Sunday, June 27, 2010

Water, water everywhere...and not a place to put it...

Record rains have dominated the feedlot over the last couple of weeks.

Now that my weeklong vacation is over, it will be interesting to get back to work on Monday and see where things stand, water-wise.

I spent several days before vacation putting down irrigation pipe, while we had a contractor install some new pumps, underground lines and tanks to move the level full lagoons down to a reasonable amount.  A combination of problems prevented us from doing any pumping of the lagoons, so as the rains mounted up, the runoff from the pens filled all of our lagoons to maximum capacity.

I was handling the short term fix - putting down pipe to move some of the water to a neighboring corn field, while the irrigation company was installing a system to automate all of our future water moving.  We used to have to lay down irrigation pipe from lagoon to lagoon, move pumps around and spend lots of time messing around with the system.  Now, with the new set-up, we'll be able to flip a couple switches and move  lagoon water to any of several options - other lagoons, a few different corn fields....where ever it can go.

The lagoons are basically a holding pit for rain, pen runoff (cow pee) and such....normally, when it isn't planting time, we can run the water through the irrigation pipe to corn fields.  But, as wet as it has been, the last thing the cornfields needed was more water.  In addition, our closest field, which we cut for sileage, was running a high salt content.  We also had some mechanical problems...all conspiring to keep us from pumping water when we really needed to.

Finally, the day before my vacation, we got enough pipe set up and enough dry weather to at least improve our lagoon system a bit.  While I was gone, I know we got at least a couple more inches of rain at the feedlot....I'll be curious to see what's up with the overall situation tomorrow....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

There Is Something to Be Said...

...for those that work hard and care for those around them.

Shoveling, comforting, working in the sun. 

Sometimes life is about those challenges that bring our emotions to the surface.  I don't know how to describe it, but we do see it, occassionally. 

After quitting time, when a sole figure keeps at it.   Or a rider that brings in an animal that would have otherwise died alone and in the mud.  Or a caregiver that brings someone a treat that brings him a piece of happiness that is, in itself quite simple; but to that someone, of great comfort.

I have been made aware of, in the last few days, simple acts that may otherwise go unnoticed. 

A piece of pie.
A new day in the sun and out of the slop.

Things that make a living soul feel better.  If only for a short time. 

I guess, that's the best we can do for those around us.  Give a little more time or a little more thought.

I wonder what they think about in their last moments.  But, I figure that if a man or woman can make those moments better for those in need, and does so, we have served well.

My sister quoted something that has stuck with me...."Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Hard workers come in all shapes and sizes.  Nurses, hardened men, caring friends, family.  They all go that extra mile to make someone feel better. 

Is there anything more important?

If I die..

...please play these two songs at my funeral...
